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Deck Cleaning

Teak Deck Cleaning

Maintaining teak decks is considered by many as a job for Roman galley slaves. This has resulted in numerous ‘miracle potions’ that all promise to restore the appearance of new teak with very little effort, or preserve the characteristic golden colour over a long period of time without the need for continuous washing or other maintenance. However pleasure craft owners’ expectations have often been dashed, either because the promises were not kept or, because the products used have caused damage. There are many horror stories about extremely aggressive preparations damaging the teak, the stainless and anodised aluminium fittings on deck, seam sealers and even the gel-coat of the fibreglass. Others have noticed that certain protective treatments remain sticky for a long time with the consequence that the absorption of dust and dirt results in a very dark teak that looks dirty.

Sometimes insult is added to injury, as the only way to eliminate the guilty product from the deck is to sand it off. The list is endless but one can understand why many ‘experts’ having been stung for the first time around, recommend that no other product than water is used.

Teak Wonder is not an oil; that is, it does not contain oil. It is a diluted silicon and pigment based sealer.

Once the thinner has evaporated, the silicon keeps the wood sealed against water and a variety of other solvents including diesel. The silicon also delays oxidation.

Before and After……

Teak Wonder is the clearest of treatments during application and becomes practically invisible once it has dried. The wood, once treated with Teak Wonder is slightly lighter than that just sanded. One month after application there is still no sign of the product, in fact the wood remains clear, clean, and free from dust or residues. We recommend that two coats be applied with sponge or bristle to obtain saturation.

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